I was reminded this morning as I looked through my Facebook memories for this date over the years of a post I had made in 2009. April of 2009 was scary for our family and yet God showed us such undeserving grace in those days of fear. For those of you new to my blog, let me just give a quick synopsis of what happened.
On March 31, 2009, my Dad went in for a routine bypass surgery. And what should have been routine turned out to be anything but. When the doctor got into Dad's chest, he had to do 4 bypasses, not 2. And then after surgery, Dad ended up with fluid around his heart and coded out several times. Ya know, it's been 11 years now and I can still feel the knot in my stomach whenever I think about those days. I can still smell the smell of the hospital. I can still hear the doctors and nurses shouting and giving orders. I can still see my Mom's face full of fear and panic. Just as if it had just happened.
But God, because He is who He says He is...But God. God showed up that day with undeserving grace. I remember sitting with my parents and looking down at the book I was reading and seeing no words but a picture of my Dad laying down with alarms and lights flashing. Doctors and nurses rushing in. And Mom and I standing in a corner watching it all unfold. And then boom. That picture became reality. In the blink of an eye, it all happened and Mom and I were in a corner watching my Dad code out and medical staff using the paddles to get him back. Through God's grace, He gifted me a momentary glimpse of what was to come so that I would trust Him and remain calm.
Dad would stay in a medical induced coma for about 11 days while they allowed his heart to heal and the fluid to drain. Those 11 days were hard. Daily trips to the hospital, watching my Dad need a ventilator to survive. Hard. But God gave all of us such undeserving grace. That's who He is. God didn't have to cover that situation, He could have taken Dad home to heaven. But God. God didn't have to gift me that image of what was about to unfold, but He did. God didn't have to give our family strength we didn't know we had, but He did because He is a God of grace however undeserving and yet freely given. God could have let things turn out so differently but because of the love He has for us, He gives us grace each day. Eleven years later and Dad is doing great. Eleven years later and we can all still remember that day but we can all see God in every detail.
We are so undeserving of grace. We are sinful people who are arrogant, self-centered and just down right ugly at times. And yet, God extends grace to each of us everyday. Ephesians 2:8-9 (HCSB) tells us, "For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God's gift- not works, so that no one can boast." Abundant grace in all situations we walk through, THAT is who God is.
Grace is given freely. There is no magic list of what we have to do to receive it. Grace is not earned, it is not bought, it can't be lost. God even tells us in 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NKJV), "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
Regardless of what we face in this life, we can be certain that God stands with us ready to extend undeserving grace to each of us. "God is always sufficient in perfect proportion to our need." (Beth Moore) God is always sufficient. God is always enough. God is always good and we are always loved by Him. Even in our toughest days when we have so many unknowns, God is constant.
Undeserving grace given to each of us because He loves us. Are you feeling fearful, overwhelmed, uncertain, full of anxiety or just down right angry? Give it to God. Let Him have it and let Him cover you with the grace and peace only He can provide. One of my favorite quotes that I read when my Dad was in his coma comes from Barbara Johnson, "We all go through pain and sorrow, but the presence of God, like a warm, comforting blanket, can shield us and protect us, and allow the deep inner joy to surface, even in the most devastating circumstances". Open your heart to God. Let Him surround you like a warm comforting blanket and be content knowing that His grace is sufficient.
Father, we praise You for the undeserving grace that you provide us even though we are sinners. We could not walk this life without the grace you so freely give. Be with each of us Father, as we walk through tough days and struggles. Cover us with a warm comfortable blanket of Your grace and love so that we may be reminded that we are never alone but always loved by You. Amen.
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