Thursday, April 9, 2020


Easter and Holy Week have always been my favorite holiday to celebrate.  The walk to the cross, Christ's sacrifice for us, His death and then resurrection have always refreshed my soul.  Just the entire sacrifice is just overwhelming to comprehend.

This year, Easter is going to look very different for all of us.  Instead of having the opportunity to dress in our Sunday best and join together in our churches, we are going to be huddled around our TV's or computers watching in our homes.  Instead of fixing a big Easter dinner for our entire family, we are going to be eating with just those in our homes and maybe "face timing" with family.  Instead of family egg hunts and egg dying, there will be quiet moments.  But just because we won't be celebrating in church, does that mean that the day is not holy?

Definition of holy : exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness.

Holy doesn't mean we have to be in our churches to celebrate the holiness of Easter.  Holy doesn't mean we can't acknowledge that Christ died for our sins in our homes due to this pandemic.  Holy does mean that we exalt Christ in all ways at all times.

Chris and I have talked about our Easter this year.  We've shared some frustrations and have discussed how we want our Easter to look.  We desire normalcy like everyone else but we all have to adjust our expectations.  The last few Sundays, as we've done church at home remotely, I'm sure that you, just as our home, have sat around in your PJ's.  You've watched while you enjoyed your morning coffee or breakfast and kept it really casual because you were at home.  Who could see you?  Hair a mess, mismatch pajamas, coffee breath, who cared right?

But what if this Sunday, you got up like you were going to church.  What if you took time to shower, fix your hair into something not representing a messy bun and put on clean clothes.  Not fancy mind you but something other than pajamas and a ratty t-shirt.  What if you enjoyed Easter Services without the distractions of your phone, breakfast, coffee or anything else that pulls you away from God and instead spent time in the moment.   What if we treated our remote Easter service as a true worship service full of the holiness that Christ's sacrifice truly is?

In our home this Sunday, we will be showered, breakfast will be over and we will be ready to just sit in the presence of God.  We are choosing to be intentional and less relaxed this week.  Not because the other weeks didn't matter but because it's Easter and it is the celebration of Christ's resurrection to save us from sin and death. 

"Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness."  1 Chronicles 16:29

Just because we are enjoying our Easter remotely this year does not mean that Christ is no longer at the center of it.  This is a true opportunity to live out your faith in Jesus in front of your family.  Gather together Sunday morning.  Spend time creating new moments this Easter and above all, never forget that Christ is the reason we are free from death, free from sin, and welcomed into everlasting life with Him.

"...and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection."  Luke 20:36

Savor this new opportunity to just be still this Easter.  Embrace the loss of hustle and bustle and just sit at the feet of Jesus celebrating the new life he has given to each of us.  Spend time thanking Him for this gift of eternal life.  Even though we are not IN our churches this Sunday, we ARE the church regardless of where we are.  Make Easter holy.  Be intentional.  Be present.

If you don't have a church family online, I encourage you to find one and be a part of a service this Easter Sunday.  I promise you, you won't be disappointed.  I pray that you are guided by God to just the right remote service that will refresh your soul and open your eyes to the holiness of Easter.

Here are 2 churches that we currently or have belonged to.  If you don't have a church family, check out these remote services this Sunday.  I look forward to worshiping with you.  Happy Easter.

People of Hope Church

Compassion Christian Church

Father, we so want to be with You and with our fellow Christians in our churches this Easter.  We miss our church families and our time to be together but Lord, I pray that all of us would look at our remote services as an opportunity to just be with You.  Let us find moments this Easter to see you in a new way.  Let us honor Easter by keeping it holy in our homes.  Lord, You are the reason behind our celebration.  Let us not get carried away with egg hunts and bunnies but instead turn our eyes to You who has sacrificed Your life so that we may be free from sin and death and live eternally with You.  Amen.


  1. I've enjoyed getting to know your faith-filled blog. Thank God Jesus paid the price for us and our sins. The saddest of days (Good Friday) transforms into the most beautiful of Sundays (resurrection day). Enjoy the promise of salvation and agape love from our savior. Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks for the kind words. I've enjoyed your blog as well! Keep up the good work and Happy Easter!
