Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Whenever I see the word strength I always get a picture of an old carnival game.  You know, the one where you have to whack the bulls eye with a sledge hammer so that the bell goes up and determines just how strong you are.  And it's usually the guys with all the muscles that are putting money down on that game.  But what if I told you, you hold that same strength within you?  That same strength without even having to go and hit the target at the carnival to prove it.  Believe it or not, you do.

God gifts his children with armor to fight any battle.  Through the strength that God gives us, we are able to accomplish all things.  I remember one of my friends in Minnesota once told me that when she reads Ephesians 6, she pictures herself putting on each piece of the armor God provides us. 

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes...Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,  and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:11, 14-17

We have strength we don't even realize we have.  And that strength allows us to be courageous and step out in faith.  It helps us to persevere through any challenge or situation.  I can attest to this strength myself.  In moments where I have felt defeated and overwhelmed, I always find that once I lay Jennifer down and let God guide me, the situation doesn't seem so overwhelming and I'm able to focus on what the Spirit is trying to show me.  I wish I would just lay it down from the start instead of trying to do it in my own strength but God is so patient and full of grace, He allows us to come to Him regardless of how we got there.

For example, as many of you have seen me post, I am in leadership with BSF.  I love serving God and I especially love that I'm serving Him using my spiritual gifts.  It makes the serving so much sweeter.  Due to the current situations with this pandemic, all our BSF classes have moved to a virtual platform, Zoom.  Zoom is great once you figure out all it's features and it is a great resource to be able to SEE people when we can't meet together physically.  But trying to get 50 leaders AND help them with the 400 women in our class to get up and running...the task can seem daunting.  Add in the video lectures, sprinkle on top of that videos for our children to view, and then add a few troubleshooting calls from leaders and members, and the behind the scenes work to keep it all flowing for everyone, well, it's overwhelming to say the least.  But even on my busiest day, God gives me the strength to persevere.  God walks with me through each day and reminds me that all the work I'm doing isn't for my glory but for His.  All this behind the scenes work and training is all to further His Kingdom.  It's all to bring people to Jesus where they are, in their homes.  And when I look back at all the successes we have had over the last few weeks, I can see God's fingerprint in all of it.  People are seeing the glory of God during this pandemic.  Jesus is being shared.

When God says he gives us strength, it doesn't necessarily mean physical strength.  Our daily life requires strength to keep moving forward.  We can all agree, life is a marathon.  Life can make us utterly exhausted and discouraged.  But that isn't how God wants us to live.  God desires for us to live in peace, trusting Him and giving Him full access to our lives.  For when we are weak, He is strong.  "He is the God of wholeness and restoration." (Stormie Omartian)

There are so many verses in the Bible on strength.  So many reminders that God gives us what we need to overcome whatever is in front of us.  Isaiah 40:31 reminds us, "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint".

Where are you finding your strength these days?  Just like you, I too often try to find my strength in me and my capabilities.  But that's not what God wants for me or for you.  We need to let God give us the strength and perseverance to finish the task at hand and we need to trust God to know what is best. 

"When we reach the end of our strength, wisdom, and personal resources, we enter into the beginning of his glorious provisions."- Patsy Clairmont.

I invite you to step out in faith and accept the strength that God has provided for you through Him.  Sit in peace knowing that our God is strong enough.  Put on the full armor of God and then live courageously through Him. "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

Lord, I pray that each of us would turn to You for our strength.  When we wake up each morning, I pray that we would see ourselves putting on the full armor of God so that we can face the day with You.  Help us to not feel overwhelmed when we don't live up to our expectations.  Give us courage to trust You each day knowing that with you, we are stronger, more courageous and filled with Your peace.  Amen

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