Monday, April 13, 2020

Jesus OUR King

I know for many of you that do look for this blog each day, you are probably wondering where I was Saturday?  Well, with Easter being the way it was this year, I was intentionally not posting this weekend.  I posted on Good Friday and then I just wanted to sit in the Silent Saturday and Rejoice in Resurrection Sunday but today, today I want to just share Jesus my King with you all.

I don't know where you are in your faith walk or if you even have one but I just feel led this morning to just share Jesus with you.  After celebrating Easter at home yesterday, many of you who would have normally gone to church, missed out on that opportunity to just be built up in Jesus.  And each time I sit down to blog, I ask God to make these His words, not mine.  So today God wants you to hear that He loves you.  He is waiting for you. 

Yesterday, my family watched one of our former churches from Savannah, Ga.  It wasn't that we didn't want to be with our church, but since Easter looked different this year, we decided to worship with some friends through the online church service Compassion Christian Church offered.  It was so great.  Chris and I both enjoyed seeing Pastor Cam standing in front of the lake where we gave our lives to Jesus.  We were baptized together in that lake with the gators.  What joy we felt seeing it
again and remembering our day of baptism and resurrection from our sins.

Pastor Cam talked about why people sometimes don't follow Jesus.  One reason he mentioned is because people don't have all the answers.  News flash, you won't get all the answers until you jump in with Jesus.  And some answers, you won't get until you walk with Him in heaven.  That is part of faith.  In Hebrews 11:1 (NIV), it tells us that, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see".  Having faith means that you don't have to have all the answers but you do have to trust God. 

Then Pastor Cam went onto the second reason people don't follow Jesus and that's because they feel they aren't good enough yet.  He used a perfect analogy for this that I want to share with you.  In today's hospitals, people are dying from Covid-19.  Doctors are trying to get a vaccine created to help all of us from this horrible virus.  But if you were laying in the hospital and the doctor told you, I have a shot for you, it will make you better, you wouldn't say No.  You wouldn't argue that you weren't "good enough" for that shot yet so to wait until you were.  That shot is medicine!  That shot could save you from the virus.  Now put Jesus in that picture.  Jesus is the medicine that cures all.  Jesus is the ultimate healer, great physician, our comforter, our protector, our risen Savior.  Why on earth would you say no to the medicine that can heal you and save you?  Why on earth would you wait for you to be good when it is through Jesus that we are saved, sealed and seen as righteous by God?  It just doesn't make any sense because we will never be good enough on our own.

One of my favorite verses that I have hanging in my home is this, “Come now, let us settle the matter,”says the Lord.“Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson,they shall be like wool".  Don't you see friend, when you accept Jesus as Lord, you are released from the sin you carry.  You are found righteous and God sees you as white as snow because Jesus has already made the sacrifice for you that you could never make.  You will never be good enough, that's not how this works.  God desires you to walk with Him.

When my now 20 year old was 12, I remember a conversation we had.  He, like his mother, is a perfectionist.  We both own it, we try not to let that OCD side win but we come by it honestly.  Hello, we are Jennifer and Matthew and we are perfectionist!  But I remember Matthew coming home from school and just the frustrations he was having with homework and making friends and just his little 12 year old life with filled with frustrations and irritants.  And I remember him saying," I just can't do it Mom, I'm not perfect".  And out of my mouth came Jesus.  I said, "Matthew, you aren't supposed to be perfect, you are supposed to be obedient.  Can you walk on water? ", to which her replied "No". 

Do you see my friends what I was trying to explain to that little guy?  God hasn't gifted us perfection, for the only perfect person to walk the earth was Jesus.  God knows we can not be perfect and without sin.  But God (oh my favorite two words in the Bible), But God knows our hearts.  He knows we are going to fail and yet, through the sacrifice of His Son, we are seen as perfect, sinless and loved.  God doesn't expect us to have it all together and be perfect, God expects obedience and He expects us to bow before Him humbly asking for forgiveness of our sins.  And when we do that, He forgives and He forgets.

Don't waste another moment not knowing Jesus our King.  There won't be a perfect time when you have your life all together.  There won't be a perfect time when all your questions are answered.  The time is drawing near when Jesus will come back for each of us.  And you have two choices on where you will spend eternity.  With Jesus in heaven or not.  Friends, I urge you, don't waste time.  Don't wait. 

If you don't have Jesus in your heart, I encourage you, right now, wherever you are to ask Him into your life, into your heart.  Ask Him to forgive you of your sins.  Ask Him to welcome you home.  And he will.  The moment those words leave your lips, your new life WITH Jesus starts.  The moment you welcome Him into your heart, you will feel a peace that only Jesus can provide.  The moment you welcome Him into your life, the past is forgotten, erased, forgiven and your new life and faith walk truly begins.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.  Philippians 4:6-9 (NIV)

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