Tuesday, April 10, 2018

"I"mpossible? Never!

It says in the Bible that ALL things are possible with God (Luke 18:27).  I'm clinging to that truth as this week progresses.  Many of you know that Chris is healing from a blood clot in his right lung.  Part of his healing is working with a hematologist to determine the why's, where's and how come's. 

When we first met with her, she told us that she wasn't convinced that Chris' blood clot came from his legs.  Me, always questioning, asked- then from where?  She is concerned it might have come from Chris' "gut" area.  And if so, because of some other symptoms Chris is experiencing, could be pointing to cancer.  YIKES!  What?  Not what either of us was expecting to hear come out of the doctor's mouth.

So in order to rule out the various possibilities, we have to start going through a series of procedures.  Checking off the boxes you might say.  It's scary.  You never want your spouse to have something wrong with them.  I've had enough fear just replaying through that night in the emergency room when Chris' blood clot was discovered.  And starting this week, as we prepare for the first round of procedures, that fear is creeping back in.

Chris was put on blood thinners to dissolve the clot in his lung when he was released from the hospital.  And since the pain has subsided, it appears that the meds are doing what they are supposed to be doing.  But, Chris can't be on those meds when he has his procedures done on Monday.  Those blood thinners can cause problems and Chris could bleed out during the procedure.  Could bleed out...umm..nope, can't happen!  I know what you're thinking because I thought the same thing.  What do you do?

Funny you should ask.  Starting Friday, our "nursing student to be", Matthew, and I get to inject medication into Chris' stomach.  Just the thought of us administering this at home makes me go weak in the knees.  Matthew and I are going to tag team it so neither one of us gets overwhelmed.  We have to "bridge" the blood thinners using these new meds so Chris can continue to heal AND not bleed out during the procedures.  When did medicine get so advanced to be able to do these types of things and to do them from home?  I'm just trying to breath and not get overwhelmed by the idea of sticking my husband in the stomach six times over the course of three days.

Monday Chris will be under the care of someone we trust completely.  He's a friend AND a doctor.  He knows the entire story of what Chris has been through and I know in my heart he will do everything in his power to keep Chris stable and comfortable.  I know that he will do a complete exam and I feel confident he will find nothing.  I can feel that confidence because nothing is impossible with God.

Yes, I'm nervous.  Yes, I'm concerned.  No, I am not going to allow myself to be overcome with gut wrenching fear.  God has this.  God has been in this from day one.  Nothing is impossible with God.

Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you. Mark 11:24

I know that Chris is in God's hands.  And his doctor Monday is a fellow believer and trusts God in all he does.  God will be with them in that room.  God already knows what will or will not be found.  God is in control.

I am so thankful in moments of fear that I can lay them all at the feet of Jesus and know it's handled.  I am so blessed to be able to lift up my requests for my husband's healing and know that God hears me.  God is a possible God.  With God, nothing shall be impossible.

Can I ask YOU to pray for my husband this week and Monday?  Pray for my family as we prepare to transition Chris' medications.  Pray that the transition is smooth and that each syringe works properly so that Chris can receive every dose he needs to.  Pray that Monday, we are all kept calm and are able to feel the peace that only God can provide.

Praises be to God for the outcome, the findings and the process of healing. 

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