As I sit here preparing to write my final blog for the A to Z challenge this month, I am amazed at the words God has given me to share with the world. I am overcome at the privilege to be able to plant the seed God has given me and allow God to do the watering. This challenge has been just that, a challenge. It's been a challenge to remember to do it daily. A challenge to take a moment to just sit and be still until I am filled with the words to share. A challenge that I have had to force myself to sit and do. But looking back, I am so blessed by being a part of it.
So, here we are at the letter "Z". A few Z words come to mind for God but more importantly, I feel like Z marks the end. The end of the alphabet for this challenge, the final piece. It makes me think of the end of our lives here on earth. Just as God has given me the words for each of my entries this month, He also gives us His final words over our lives. He is the beginning and the end. The Alpha and the Omega.
What have you done with your life? What needs to change so that when your day of judgment comes, you will hear God say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ (Matthew 25:21).
What will God say to you at your final judgment? Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?
All big questions.
As I've shared in previous blogs, I've struggled with my faith over the course of my life. I've had valley moments where God had to hold my hand through the entire journey and I've had mountaintop experiences where praising God just didn't seem thanks enough. But our journeys are our testimony's of our lives.
We are blessed to be able to call on our God in all times and in all ways, regardless of the journey. God is not distant, he is right here with us. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.~ John 3:16
Our God is a God who understands our fears, our challenges, our hopes, our dreams, our worries. He is also a God of forgiveness and grace and compassion. He is a God who sacrificed His only Son for you. God has a plan of salvation for each of us. It's not complicated, it's simple, accept His Son, Jesus Christ. Accept Him into your heart, trust Him, obey Him, follow Him and then you can rest assured, you will spend your eternity with Him. "Your choice to either receive or reject the Lord Jesus Christ will determine where you spend eternity." - Anne Graham Lotz
Hold fast to the promises of God. Life in this world is hard, it will be hard. God has told us that, but Christ came to overcome the world for US. Now is the time, don't waste another moment on a life full of unknowns....jump in the water my friend. Hold tight to Jesus.
And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. The one who has the Son has life. The one who doesn't have the Son of God does not have life. 1 John 5:11-12
Don't waste another moment living without God at the center of your world. Don't miss out on the opportunity to see God in your life. I've written a blog each day for this challenge and I have shared how God has worked in my life. I'm not perfect, but I'm a child of God. God doesn't expect perfection, he expects obedience.
My mother in law passed away several years ago and I love what my father in law wrote on her headstone, Child of the King. Oh how she is. How each of us is. We belong to the King. We are His. He knows each of us personally and loves us beyond measure. No one else can love us as much as God. No one else can forgive us with as much grace as God. No one can provide us with salvation and eternal life. "If you are a believer, your judgment will not determine your eternal destiny. Christ's finished work on Calvary was applied to you the moment you accepted Christ as Savior."- Beth Moore.
I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. ~ 1 John 5:3
I hope that I, even though this challenge is ending, I hope that I don't stop making time for this blog. I hope I allow for God to continue to speak through me so that I too may read my words and know that God is with me. As I prepare to publish this last letter, be reminded to continue to run the race.
Don't give up on God. Keep your eyes turned upon Jesus. Trust in Him who provides all things for His children. You, my child, are a Child of the King...walk proudly alongside a God who cherishes and loves you so that at the day of your judgment you will hear God say, well done, good and faithful servant, well done.
Father, I thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this challenge. I thank you for the gift of my eternal salvation. There is no payment I could make for the amount of sin in my life, but You made the payment for me through Your Son. You are so good to Your children. I will praise You through the storms. I will praise You through the joy. Thank you Lord.
God has a plan for each one of us and it is our job to take time to renew our faith, pray and above all, Be Still and Listen... "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
Monday, April 30, 2018
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Seeing the e"X"traordinary God in "Y"our everyday life
I'm learning to change the way I view things. I'm learning to see God's grace and blessing in everything. Even in the most simple things like hearing a bird chirp, listening to the dog lapping up water, seeing a smile on my son's face, dirty dishes, clean laundry, dust, an unmade bed, a ripening tomato on the window sill, the feel of the sun on my's all Grace from's all will you look at your world around you? Even in the darkest of moments, there is Grace from God... "Everything in this world has Christ's fingerprints on it. In the tough moments, pray with your eyes open, seeing God's grace and blessings in that very moment." -Ann Voskamp
A few years ago, while we lived in Savannah, I participated in the study 1,000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. It was an amazing book that reminded me to look beyond myself and see the extraordinary God moments around me. The goal was to be able to write 1,000 gifts, 1,000 blessings we see over the course of the study. I remember just sitting on our back deck with my eyes closed and listening. You can see a lot when you aren't "looking" for it.
God reminds us in the Book of John, I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (John 10:10) God's gifts are all around us and available to each of us. We are free to accept them, or not. God allows us to choose but there are always consequences to our choices. Hannah Whitall Smith once said, "God is the giver, and we are the receivers. And His richest gifts are bestowed not upon those who do the greatest things, but upon those who accept His abundance and His grace".
God gives us so many blessings each and everyday. He abundantly blesses His children through the smallest of gifts. It doesn't have to be a big God moment to be a gift from God.
Pause right now, close your eyes and listen?
What do you hear? Go on, do it....I'll wait right here for you....
What did you hear? Did you hear children laughing, crying? Did you hear a dog barking? Sirens passing by? What did you smell? Coffee brewing? Fresh cut grass? Fresh rain? What do you feel? The morning sun on your face? A wet nose kissing you? Children's hands grasping at your shirt tails?
Open your eyes? Do you realize that God is in each of these? Each of these is part of your everyday life and each of these is a blessing from our extraordinary God. God is woven into the very fabric of our day. The only way to be able to truly grasp the extraordinary blessings from God is to slow down and pause for a moment. Allow yourself to be still and soak in the world around you. God is in every detail. It's extraordinary. When we pause long enough, we are able to see the grace of God all around us.
If I've learned one thing over the course of this challenge in my blogging, it's to pause and take a moment to soak in the blessings from God. Each time I've sat here at the computer to write, God has been there with me. How remarkable to step back and see God in everything. Even more remarkable is how God uses our hurts to further the blessings. Don't miss out on the blessings by speeding by them. Don't miss out on the extraordinary moments God has lined up. Slow down, surrender and see the thousands of gifts God has given us each and everyday. Imagine your perspective if you took time to notice the abundant gifts everyday?
Here's a few of my gifts I wrote down that reveal to me how extraordinary God is. How personal He is. How He provides me grace and gifts abundantly in my life....
~ my marriage
~ my son
~ dirty laundry because I am blessed to be able to clothe my family
~dirty dishes because we have an abundance of food to eat
~running water
~ the cat meowing
~the dog's wet kisses
~ birds chirping
~road signs because I am blessed with a car to drive
~the sound of the lawn mower because grass is growing
~the smell of fresh coffee
~curtains blowing in the breeze
~the swirl in the front of my son's hair, it's personal, unique
~an I love you from my husband, it's meant for me and tells me his heart
~technology that allows me to see family across the miles at any given moment
Stand with arms open wide, hands open to receive and your eyes lifted to God. Blessings flow down from God every moment of every day. Be still, look for the blessings. I challenge you, start your own list and see what God shows you. Do it. Change your perspective on today. Look for the extraordinary God in your everyday life. He's there and He desires you to see it!
A few years ago, while we lived in Savannah, I participated in the study 1,000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. It was an amazing book that reminded me to look beyond myself and see the extraordinary God moments around me. The goal was to be able to write 1,000 gifts, 1,000 blessings we see over the course of the study. I remember just sitting on our back deck with my eyes closed and listening. You can see a lot when you aren't "looking" for it.
God reminds us in the Book of John, I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (John 10:10) God's gifts are all around us and available to each of us. We are free to accept them, or not. God allows us to choose but there are always consequences to our choices. Hannah Whitall Smith once said, "God is the giver, and we are the receivers. And His richest gifts are bestowed not upon those who do the greatest things, but upon those who accept His abundance and His grace".
God gives us so many blessings each and everyday. He abundantly blesses His children through the smallest of gifts. It doesn't have to be a big God moment to be a gift from God.
Pause right now, close your eyes and listen?
What do you hear? Go on, do it....I'll wait right here for you....
What did you hear? Did you hear children laughing, crying? Did you hear a dog barking? Sirens passing by? What did you smell? Coffee brewing? Fresh cut grass? Fresh rain? What do you feel? The morning sun on your face? A wet nose kissing you? Children's hands grasping at your shirt tails?
Open your eyes? Do you realize that God is in each of these? Each of these is part of your everyday life and each of these is a blessing from our extraordinary God. God is woven into the very fabric of our day. The only way to be able to truly grasp the extraordinary blessings from God is to slow down and pause for a moment. Allow yourself to be still and soak in the world around you. God is in every detail. It's extraordinary. When we pause long enough, we are able to see the grace of God all around us.
If I've learned one thing over the course of this challenge in my blogging, it's to pause and take a moment to soak in the blessings from God. Each time I've sat here at the computer to write, God has been there with me. How remarkable to step back and see God in everything. Even more remarkable is how God uses our hurts to further the blessings. Don't miss out on the blessings by speeding by them. Don't miss out on the extraordinary moments God has lined up. Slow down, surrender and see the thousands of gifts God has given us each and everyday. Imagine your perspective if you took time to notice the abundant gifts everyday?
Here's a few of my gifts I wrote down that reveal to me how extraordinary God is. How personal He is. How He provides me grace and gifts abundantly in my life....
~ my marriage
~ my son
~ dirty laundry because I am blessed to be able to clothe my family
~dirty dishes because we have an abundance of food to eat
~running water
~ the cat meowing
~the dog's wet kisses
~ birds chirping
~road signs because I am blessed with a car to drive
~the sound of the lawn mower because grass is growing
~the smell of fresh coffee
~curtains blowing in the breeze
~the swirl in the front of my son's hair, it's personal, unique
~an I love you from my husband, it's meant for me and tells me his heart
~technology that allows me to see family across the miles at any given moment
Stand with arms open wide, hands open to receive and your eyes lifted to God. Blessings flow down from God every moment of every day. Be still, look for the blessings. I challenge you, start your own list and see what God shows you. Do it. Change your perspective on today. Look for the extraordinary God in your everyday life. He's there and He desires you to see it!
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Philippians 4:11-12
Thursday, April 26, 2018
"V"aluing God's"W"ill
Living in God's will isn't easy. Trust me, I've questioned it, argued with God over it, stomped my foot and said NO, and yet, God waits and His Will ultimately wins. Isn't it amazing how God allows us to have those emotions of frustration and concern, even allowing us to think we have the option to say No. Ha! God is in control. God is patient and loving beyond anything we could imagine. He lets us have our little "tantrums" but in the end, He knows His children. He knows our hearts. He knows we will inevitably submit to Him who knows what is best for us.
God has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
How on earth could we ever question a God who has plans to prosper us? If you truly desire to live in God's will for your life, you will spend time in His Word looking and being watchful for His signs. It's interesting to me how often times, God will lead us through a wilderness experience before He shows us His plan and walks us up the mountain for that mountain top experience. And I am here to say, I've walked many walks through that wilderness, but never alone. God may send us through the wilderness but He never sends us on our own. He is always with us! He is always aware of what is coming next on the path. God is personal. He has a plan for each of us that is unique, that He alone has prepared. Each of us has our own. No plan is identical. Marinate on that for a minute. God's plan for your life is yours and yours alone. How remarkable is our God?!?!
When we moved to Minnesota in 2014, I was less than thrilled to be leaving friends, our church, my service at the Lighthouse Ministry and BSF in Savannah, GA. I had no idea why on earth God was moving our family to this frozen area of the United States. I questioned God. I argued with God that I was leaving a place where I was able to serve Him. But in His time, He showed me a glimpse of my purpose. My husband had told me from day 1 of our move, this was about me and my work for the kingdom, not his. And I recall flippantly rolling my eyes and saying, yeah right. But as God directed us to move to Tennessee, and I began saying my goodbyes to all my new friends and my BSF class there, I began to see validation in my husband's words. Where I thought there was nothing I could bring, I was wrong. I brought my joy and my love for Christ and I let that light shine. I had no idea my light was needed, but God did and God used it. Even though it was just for a short time, He used me. I am proud to have the women in my life I met in Minnesota. They are strong, devoted Christian women who spur me on, pray with me, cry with me and celebrate life with me. Sometimes the simplest things to us are the big things for God to use.
People may make plans in their minds, but the Lord decides what they will do.- Proverbs 16:9
If we are to be dutiful disciples, we are to follow Him, trusting Him completely. Until God's perfect plan is made known, we must walk in faith, never losing hope. His ways are not our ways and His timing is not our timing.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
Through each change in my life, I have been forced to rely on God and His perfect plan. I don't know what He has in store for me but I can rest assured that God has already gone before me and paved a path. I need to resist the temptation to do things "my way" and rather submit to my Father and allow Him to lead. "With God, it's never "Plan B' or "second best". It's always "Plan A." And, if we let Him, He'll make something beautiful of our lives." Gloria Gaither.
God has a wonderful and abundant plan for each of us. The time to start trusting God and looking for that plan is today. Don't waste another moment just living life your way- start living His way, today! Start praying that God would reveal His Will to you. Start praising God for the plan He has created just for you. Stop fretting on your next step, but rather start trusting that your next mountain top experience is right around the corner. Get out of your boat and step out on the water, just like Peter, trusting God to keep you afloat.
As I look back over the last few weeks in our household, and begin to prepare for the coming days...I must continue to keep my eyes focused on my Father in heaven. As we walk through this new season with Matthew. As we watch him graduate and start out on a new path, I have to believe and trust that God has his future figured out. As I walk alongside my husband through these new medical tests, I have to remain hopeful that the answers will be shown to us in God's time.
For He knows the plans He has for my family. Plans to prosper us, to give us hope and a future. Oh how sweet to be loved by a loving Father in heaven who has all the details within His capable hands! Each of us, covered by the grace of God, trusting Him with every step.
I've taken many trusting steps to get to where I am today. There's a purpose behind God's plan. And yep, it's true, I am confident I've missed out on some blessings along the way just trying to do things my way, but God uses all things for the good of His children. Nothing escapes God, nothing surprises God. God values us and so we must value His Will for each of us.
God has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
When we moved to Minnesota in 2014, I was less than thrilled to be leaving friends, our church, my service at the Lighthouse Ministry and BSF in Savannah, GA. I had no idea why on earth God was moving our family to this frozen area of the United States. I questioned God. I argued with God that I was leaving a place where I was able to serve Him. But in His time, He showed me a glimpse of my purpose. My husband had told me from day 1 of our move, this was about me and my work for the kingdom, not his. And I recall flippantly rolling my eyes and saying, yeah right. But as God directed us to move to Tennessee, and I began saying my goodbyes to all my new friends and my BSF class there, I began to see validation in my husband's words. Where I thought there was nothing I could bring, I was wrong. I brought my joy and my love for Christ and I let that light shine. I had no idea my light was needed, but God did and God used it. Even though it was just for a short time, He used me. I am proud to have the women in my life I met in Minnesota. They are strong, devoted Christian women who spur me on, pray with me, cry with me and celebrate life with me. Sometimes the simplest things to us are the big things for God to use.
People may make plans in their minds, but the Lord decides what they will do.- Proverbs 16:9
If we are to be dutiful disciples, we are to follow Him, trusting Him completely. Until God's perfect plan is made known, we must walk in faith, never losing hope. His ways are not our ways and His timing is not our timing.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
Through each change in my life, I have been forced to rely on God and His perfect plan. I don't know what He has in store for me but I can rest assured that God has already gone before me and paved a path. I need to resist the temptation to do things "my way" and rather submit to my Father and allow Him to lead. "With God, it's never "Plan B' or "second best". It's always "Plan A." And, if we let Him, He'll make something beautiful of our lives." Gloria Gaither.
God has a wonderful and abundant plan for each of us. The time to start trusting God and looking for that plan is today. Don't waste another moment just living life your way- start living His way, today! Start praying that God would reveal His Will to you. Start praising God for the plan He has created just for you. Stop fretting on your next step, but rather start trusting that your next mountain top experience is right around the corner. Get out of your boat and step out on the water, just like Peter, trusting God to keep you afloat.
As I look back over the last few weeks in our household, and begin to prepare for the coming days...I must continue to keep my eyes focused on my Father in heaven. As we walk through this new season with Matthew. As we watch him graduate and start out on a new path, I have to believe and trust that God has his future figured out. As I walk alongside my husband through these new medical tests, I have to remain hopeful that the answers will be shown to us in God's time.
For He knows the plans He has for my family. Plans to prosper us, to give us hope and a future. Oh how sweet to be loved by a loving Father in heaven who has all the details within His capable hands! Each of us, covered by the grace of God, trusting Him with every step.
I've taken many trusting steps to get to where I am today. There's a purpose behind God's plan. And yep, it's true, I am confident I've missed out on some blessings along the way just trying to do things my way, but God uses all things for the good of His children. Nothing escapes God, nothing surprises God. God values us and so we must value His Will for each of us.
Monday, April 23, 2018
"T"hankful for "U"nanswered Prayers
Today's letter is T but I really want to add on the U. Ya know what, I'm doing it and will just skip tomorrow. My blog, so I'm gonna just jump right in! In the famous words of a young man I know and love from Savannah, I can if I want to!
More often than not, we take time to be thankful for the prayers we see answered. But, do we give thanks for those unanswered prayers? Or do we let them slip away, never really rejoicing in God's Will and His desire for us? I'm sure each of us can think of a moment or even moments in our lives that something didn't work out the way we intended or even wanted. In those moments we were probably questioning God as to why? Why didn't he step in and fix it? Why didn't he do what I wanted him to do? Why didn't he answer my prayer? But if you look back on those moments in time, God's hand orchestrated the entire situation. God's plan and timing was perfect.
In Romans 8:28 it says, and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. So if we know that God uses everything to our good, shouldn't we be thankful for the moments that never were? Those moments that didn't turn out how we thought they should? Because in those moments you can truly see the hand of God. In those moments I feel we are drawn closer to the one who loves us because we are His children.
Joni Eareckson Tada is quoted in saying, "God has His reasons. He has His purposes. Ours is an intentional God, brimming over with the motive and mission. He never does things capriciously or decides with the flip of a coin." How sweet life is when we can look back and see God's plan was so much better than ours. How faithful is our Father in heaven. Even though we are sinners, he still loves us and wants His plan for us.
As I type this today, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the unanswered prayers in my life. I want to praise God for these because without them, I would not be where I am today. I would not be who I am today. I would not be growing closer to God each day.
2009 was a rough year for the Evoy's. Chris was unemployed for over four months. We lost our home, our savings, our security in living close to family. But, that experience taught me two things. Chris and I had to learn to not only trust each other, but we had to learn to trust God. Had our prayers been answered right away, we would have missed the opportunity given to us to move to Indiana. We would have never left our "security" and stepped out on faith. And I would not have grown as much as I have. I miss living close to my family but I can look back and see, those unanswered prayers have grown me. I had to learn to stand on my own two feet and with God and my husband supporting me, I have done just that. No job for over 4 months was stressful and we were full of anxiety about our future. But God answered our prayers in His time and in His way.
When Matthew was born, I was a single mother going through a divorce. I was down, depressed and lonely. I felt ashamed that my marriage was ending in a divorce and I felt like I had no idea how to be a good Mom. How was I going to support this child alone? I prayed for answers. It took my entire pregnancy, plus a few months, for God to finally answer my prayers.
Had God given me Chris right away, I would have missed out on the opportunity to become a strong, independent woman filled with strength to raise this gift from God. Chris entered my life just when God saw it fit. Chris entered Matthew's life when God knew it was needed.
I've only been blessed to be a stay at home mom since 2010 and to this day, I still worry about our finances. I don't contribute financially. All the income comes from Chris and I worry about that burden he carries. I am always keeping my eyes open for opportunities to help with the family budget. But because a job hasn't presented itself to me, I've been able to spend more time serving God. Because I don't have a job outside of the home, I am able to be completely committed to BSF. I am able to commit to serving two days a week and when I walk away from serving, I am full of such joy. If God had worked out a job, I would be stuck behind a desk all day missing out on opportunities to love, pray and serve alongside some great people. God's purpose is perfection. When and if I'm supposed to have a job, God will work it out that I don't have to give up serving Him. But until that time, I will continue to trust God with our finances knowing that He gives us what we need, when we need it.
One of my favorite verses is in Jeremiah, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Just knowing that in everything, God is there. That God's plan is perfect. That God wants the best for his children. That in and of itself is enough for me to look back over my life and thank him for all the unanswered prayers. I'll say it again and again, God's timing is perfect, His plan impeccable.
God has a plan for our lives that is so much grander than anything we could ever imagine or pray for. Keep your eyes on Jesus knowing that His plan is for the good of His children. Trust in that. Praise the unanswered prayers in your life for there is a purpose behind each and every one of them.

On a completely separate side is my Dad's Birthday. Let's see if he's following along on my blog...
Happy Birthday Dad.
Love you!
Sunday, April 22, 2018
"R"elying on the Holy "S"pirit
I've done it again...guilty as charged. Friday and Saturday were just so beautiful here in Middle Tennessee that I just had to spend time outside in the yard. The sun was shining, the breeze was delightful and you just can't NOT spend time with your family and the dog on days like that. So, alas, here I am on Sunday afternoon combining two letters, yet again. But at least I'm holding myself accountable and getting caught up before the week begins again.
Today I'm combining letters R & S. I've given these two letters a lot of thought over the last few days anticipating their arrival onto my blog. I thought about a fire and brimstone post about Repentance and Salvation. I thought about our Risen Savior. Lot's of ways I could have gone....but God has gifted us with the Holy Spirit and I just feel led to post about our reliance on that Spirit. So without further ado....buckle your we go....
“I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."- Matthew 3:11
God tells us that when we are baptized, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. It takes up residence within us and helps us to discern our will from God's. It often times prompts us to respond to situations in a certain way. It more often than not, pricks our hearts so that we are awakened to what God desires for us. Jesus' death and resurrection allows us as believers to die to ourselves, be raised again in Christ and be given part of God to be with us here on earth, at all times. Our God is a Triune God, three in one. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each a vital part of the believer's life.
When we accept the Holy Spirit into our lives, we are allowing it to convict us, mold us, shape us, and lead us. Sometimes we can feel it, sometimes we just respond to it. I know that I personally can feel the Holy Spirit when I'm confronted with a response that is driven by God. Usually regarding my testimony or sharing moments of my life with others. As I type this, my heart is pounding. It's hard to put myself out there through writing for the world to see.
I've had two instances in my life where I knew the Holy Spirit had taken over. Two significant events where I knew that my reaction was not my own but rather that of God and the work of the Holy Spirit within me covering the situation.
January 2000. I was a new single mom to a little bundle and we had just gotten home from the hospital. My family came over to welcome Matthew and I home and we shared a meal together. Everything was fine until I realized, everyone was leaving and I was going to be alone with Matthew. Fear set in. What if I didn't hear him cry? What if I didn't wake up to feed him? What if he stopped breathing during the night? What if, what if, what if??? And then my Dad pulled me into the kitchen and we sat at the table and he prayed over me.
I don't remember all the words he said but I do recall that he specifically asked the Holy Spirit to prompt me to wake up before Matthew so that I would have time to adjust to what care Matthew may need. I remember him asking God to help me to fall asleep and get good sleep. I remember feeling a peace wash over me. Then it was just me & my little man.
I got him settled and into his cradle, right next to where I was sleeping and I crawled into bed myself. I closed my eyes, trying with all my might, to let the fears disappear and hoping sleep would come quickly. And then, the strangest thing happened. I kid you not but, my bed began rocking, ever so slightly, as if I was being rocked to sleep. Ever so gently, back and forth until I feel into a peaceful, restful sleep. And then, after what felt like hours of sleep, I woke up a full 15 minutes before Matthew began to cry. I was awake, alert and ready to tackle whatever my boy needed. My fear of sleeping through his cries, gone! Praise be to God! That my friends is the Holy Spirit at work.
Flash forward to August of 2016. Matthew and I had not lived in Tennessee very long. Chris moved to the south in March and Matthew and I stayed in Minnesota until school was done for the year. It was a sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. I had picked up Matthew from school and we were running a quick errand before heading home. Matthew and I were chatting about his day and his new school as we were driving down the road. Three cars ahead of us had stopped and so I too slowed down to a complete stop. That's when I felt the urge to look in the rear view mirror. There was a car about a half mile back and for whatever reason, I turned the vehicle we were in so the wheels were facing the shoulder. I was calm and kept Matthew talking about school when BAM! We were jolted forward and off onto the shoulder, completely missing the car in front of us. We'd taken a rear end hit.
The young girl who hit us was not paying attention and slammed into our back end at about 55mph. But the Holy Spirit prepared me for that moment. I was able to keep Matthew talking and from looking back and seeing the collision about to happen. I was able to position our minivan so that it wouldn't strike the car in front of us. I was able to remain calm throughout the entire process. That wasn't me or my power, that was the work of the Holy Spirit within me. We were hit so hard that it cracked the frame of my van and totaled our vehicle. Protection provided by the Holy Spirit covering the entire situation. I still praise God for that protection and the Holy Spirit for alerting me.
You may be thinking I'm crazy. That these two significant events didn't happen this way but I have to tell you, they did. I know there are moments everyday where the Holy Spirit intercedes on my behalf. Moments that I am unaware of because I'm doing my life, my way. But God allows us so many opportunities to see the Holy Spirit in action. All we have to do is take a moment and pay attention. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. ~John 14:26
The Holy Spirit has been around for awhile. This isn't a new "thing" for us to understand. It was the Holy Spirit that told Mary she was to have a son, Jesus. It was the Holy Spirit that told Joseph he was to marry Mary and go to Bethlehem.. It was the Holy Spirit that told Elizabeth she was to have a son, John. How blessed are we to be able to be part of the same Holy Spirit that God has shared from those earliest of Bible stories to today.
Relying on the Holy Spirit is what God desires for us. Be baptized and accept this gift from God. Allow yourself to be overtaken by the comfort the Spirit within you can bring. In times of crisis, it is there. In times of praise, it is there. In all ways, it is there, within you. What a gift. How amazing that our God has the ability to give us such a gift. Without the work of the Holy Spirit within us, we are helpless.
Today I'm combining letters R & S. I've given these two letters a lot of thought over the last few days anticipating their arrival onto my blog. I thought about a fire and brimstone post about Repentance and Salvation. I thought about our Risen Savior. Lot's of ways I could have gone....but God has gifted us with the Holy Spirit and I just feel led to post about our reliance on that Spirit. So without further ado....buckle your we go....
Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you,
no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. ~ John 3:5
“I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."- Matthew 3:11
When we accept the Holy Spirit into our lives, we are allowing it to convict us, mold us, shape us, and lead us. Sometimes we can feel it, sometimes we just respond to it. I know that I personally can feel the Holy Spirit when I'm confronted with a response that is driven by God. Usually regarding my testimony or sharing moments of my life with others. As I type this, my heart is pounding. It's hard to put myself out there through writing for the world to see.
I've had two instances in my life where I knew the Holy Spirit had taken over. Two significant events where I knew that my reaction was not my own but rather that of God and the work of the Holy Spirit within me covering the situation.
January 2000. I was a new single mom to a little bundle and we had just gotten home from the hospital. My family came over to welcome Matthew and I home and we shared a meal together. Everything was fine until I realized, everyone was leaving and I was going to be alone with Matthew. Fear set in. What if I didn't hear him cry? What if I didn't wake up to feed him? What if he stopped breathing during the night? What if, what if, what if??? And then my Dad pulled me into the kitchen and we sat at the table and he prayed over me.
I don't remember all the words he said but I do recall that he specifically asked the Holy Spirit to prompt me to wake up before Matthew so that I would have time to adjust to what care Matthew may need. I remember him asking God to help me to fall asleep and get good sleep. I remember feeling a peace wash over me. Then it was just me & my little man.

Flash forward to August of 2016. Matthew and I had not lived in Tennessee very long. Chris moved to the south in March and Matthew and I stayed in Minnesota until school was done for the year. It was a sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. I had picked up Matthew from school and we were running a quick errand before heading home. Matthew and I were chatting about his day and his new school as we were driving down the road. Three cars ahead of us had stopped and so I too slowed down to a complete stop. That's when I felt the urge to look in the rear view mirror. There was a car about a half mile back and for whatever reason, I turned the vehicle we were in so the wheels were facing the shoulder. I was calm and kept Matthew talking about school when BAM! We were jolted forward and off onto the shoulder, completely missing the car in front of us. We'd taken a rear end hit.
The young girl who hit us was not paying attention and slammed into our back end at about 55mph. But the Holy Spirit prepared me for that moment. I was able to keep Matthew talking and from looking back and seeing the collision about to happen. I was able to position our minivan so that it wouldn't strike the car in front of us. I was able to remain calm throughout the entire process. That wasn't me or my power, that was the work of the Holy Spirit within me. We were hit so hard that it cracked the frame of my van and totaled our vehicle. Protection provided by the Holy Spirit covering the entire situation. I still praise God for that protection and the Holy Spirit for alerting me.
You may be thinking I'm crazy. That these two significant events didn't happen this way but I have to tell you, they did. I know there are moments everyday where the Holy Spirit intercedes on my behalf. Moments that I am unaware of because I'm doing my life, my way. But God allows us so many opportunities to see the Holy Spirit in action. All we have to do is take a moment and pay attention. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. ~John 14:26
The Holy Spirit has been around for awhile. This isn't a new "thing" for us to understand. It was the Holy Spirit that told Mary she was to have a son, Jesus. It was the Holy Spirit that told Joseph he was to marry Mary and go to Bethlehem.. It was the Holy Spirit that told Elizabeth she was to have a son, John. How blessed are we to be able to be part of the same Holy Spirit that God has shared from those earliest of Bible stories to today.
Relying on the Holy Spirit is what God desires for us. Be baptized and accept this gift from God. Allow yourself to be overtaken by the comfort the Spirit within you can bring. In times of crisis, it is there. In times of praise, it is there. In all ways, it is there, within you. What a gift. How amazing that our God has the ability to give us such a gift. Without the work of the Holy Spirit within us, we are helpless.
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:16-18
Thursday, April 19, 2018
"Q"uick to Forgive
Today I saw the letter Q as my theme and winced. What on earth is God going to show me to write about today that starts with Q? I'll be honest, I put off posting for over two hours just because I was at a loss with this letter. Then God thunked me on the head and said, HEY! I'm Quick to forgive, as you too should be. Oh my! I was trying to put off my blogging but God had other plans for me to share today. So, I'm all ears God. What shall I share from You today?
I have to ask myself, am I quick to forgive? Do I hold grudges towards others? Do I hang onto that hurt for as long as possible and use it as a reason to not have to deal with someone? Ahh, Yep. I do. Man, when God calls you out on something, it gets real, real REAL quick!
Did you know there is a book in the Bible called Nahum? There is. And Nahum has some good stuff to say about God and grudges. The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet. Nahum 1:3.
If God is slow to anger then why do we feel the need to be quick to respond in situations. If God can forgive us each day, why can't we do that to those around us? I will be honest, I hold grudges. Still to this very moment I have a few that I feel are justified. People hurt me so I'm going to hurt them. Even just this week with everything going on in my family, people thought it necessary to hurt me through their words. Why do I allow it to consume me? Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them. ~ Romans 4:8. If God gives us new mercies and grace, aren't we supposed to be living out our faith the same way?
We are all sinners and more often than not, our sins are caused by our own stubborn behaviors. We get carried away in the moment and allow the negative behaviors to dictate our responses to situations. God forgives us. Period. End of story. Next chapter please. God doesn't hold grudges. He doesn't keep score. He doesn't maintain a list of hurtful things we've done or said, He forgives and is quick to do so. All He asks of us is to ask Him for that forgiveness. But, does that mean we are supposed to ask others for their forgiveness? Sometimes, yes. Other times it is us who must do the forgiving.
If we allow the negative grudges to consume our days, we lose sight of the joy we could have. I can think of a perfect example from my life. I have one person with whom I have had a difficult time finding joy. I would groan when they would call me. I would blame them for the reason our relationship was the way it was. And then I heard a sermon on forgiveness. I was intrigued on how the Pastor told us that sometimes, it is not an apology from the other person we are waiting for. Sometimes we have to forgive that person ourselves, in our own hearts, in order to move on and heal that relationship. He was right. Sometimes we will never get an "I'm sorry" because the other person doesn't know how to admit to their part in the negativity and hurt. But, if you forgive them within your heart, God forgives you for that grudge. And it WORKS! That relationship with this person is so much better today than just a few short months ago. I smile when they call. I get excited to chit chat about absolutely nothing with them. Why? Because I'm no longer holding onto that anger, that grudge and I'm allowing myself the pleasure of enjoying them as God enjoys us.
We can't let Satan control our hearts. We can't let Satan continue to control a grudge. We have to let go and let God take that from us. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.- Romans 8:1
Everyone who believes in Christ Jesus will be saved, forgiven, sealed, given abundant grace and loved beyond measure by God. But God, who is abundant in mercy, because of His great love that He had for us, made us alive with the Messiah even though we were dead in trespasses. By grace you are saved!- Ephesians 2:4-5.
Be a Quick to Love, Quick to Forgive kind of person. Take a moment to allow the Holy Spirit to take over your emotions so that you are slow to anger. God is quick to forgive us. God is quick to love us. God is quick to give us grace even though we are sinners. Oh, how relationships could change if we could just be a society of quick love like Jesus!
I have to ask myself, am I quick to forgive? Do I hold grudges towards others? Do I hang onto that hurt for as long as possible and use it as a reason to not have to deal with someone? Ahh, Yep. I do. Man, when God calls you out on something, it gets real, real REAL quick!
Did you know there is a book in the Bible called Nahum? There is. And Nahum has some good stuff to say about God and grudges. The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet. Nahum 1:3.
If God is slow to anger then why do we feel the need to be quick to respond in situations. If God can forgive us each day, why can't we do that to those around us? I will be honest, I hold grudges. Still to this very moment I have a few that I feel are justified. People hurt me so I'm going to hurt them. Even just this week with everything going on in my family, people thought it necessary to hurt me through their words. Why do I allow it to consume me? Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them. ~ Romans 4:8. If God gives us new mercies and grace, aren't we supposed to be living out our faith the same way?
We are all sinners and more often than not, our sins are caused by our own stubborn behaviors. We get carried away in the moment and allow the negative behaviors to dictate our responses to situations. God forgives us. Period. End of story. Next chapter please. God doesn't hold grudges. He doesn't keep score. He doesn't maintain a list of hurtful things we've done or said, He forgives and is quick to do so. All He asks of us is to ask Him for that forgiveness. But, does that mean we are supposed to ask others for their forgiveness? Sometimes, yes. Other times it is us who must do the forgiving.
If we allow the negative grudges to consume our days, we lose sight of the joy we could have. I can think of a perfect example from my life. I have one person with whom I have had a difficult time finding joy. I would groan when they would call me. I would blame them for the reason our relationship was the way it was. And then I heard a sermon on forgiveness. I was intrigued on how the Pastor told us that sometimes, it is not an apology from the other person we are waiting for. Sometimes we have to forgive that person ourselves, in our own hearts, in order to move on and heal that relationship. He was right. Sometimes we will never get an "I'm sorry" because the other person doesn't know how to admit to their part in the negativity and hurt. But, if you forgive them within your heart, God forgives you for that grudge. And it WORKS! That relationship with this person is so much better today than just a few short months ago. I smile when they call. I get excited to chit chat about absolutely nothing with them. Why? Because I'm no longer holding onto that anger, that grudge and I'm allowing myself the pleasure of enjoying them as God enjoys us.
We can't let Satan control our hearts. We can't let Satan continue to control a grudge. We have to let go and let God take that from us. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.- Romans 8:1
Everyone who believes in Christ Jesus will be saved, forgiven, sealed, given abundant grace and loved beyond measure by God. But God, who is abundant in mercy, because of His great love that He had for us, made us alive with the Messiah even though we were dead in trespasses. By grace you are saved!- Ephesians 2:4-5.
Be a Quick to Love, Quick to Forgive kind of person. Take a moment to allow the Holy Spirit to take over your emotions so that you are slow to anger. God is quick to forgive us. God is quick to love us. God is quick to give us grace even though we are sinners. Oh, how relationships could change if we could just be a society of quick love like Jesus!
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
"P"rayer is "P"owerful
I know, I know, you see my title and it says prayer and you're thinking, oye vay...another plug for prayer but let's get real for a second. Prayer is Powerful! Let's look at what prayer truly is for a second.
How many of you have lifted up prayers to God? How many of you have ever spent time in prayer with God? How many of you even make time for prayer during your day? Valid questions, right?
I'll come clean and call myself to the carpet. I do not always make time for prayer in my day. More often than not, God gets my quick, reflex response driven prayers. Arrow prayers I like to call them. I don't dedicate time to just sit and spend time in prayer with God. I know I should. I know it's what God desires for us but life gets in the way and my schedule becomes more important than God's. Anyone nodding along in agreement?
Prayer is a powerful tool that we can use to communicate with God. Prayer allows us a moment for God to take control of our thoughts and provide peace, comfort and hope over a certain situation. Prayer gives us strength to face the unknown. Prayer gives us an opportunity to praise for the answer. God desires time with us in prayer. The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful.~ James 5:16
Even Christ withdrew often from the world to spend time in prayer with his Father. Imagine the outlook life would have if prayer was an intentional part of your day. How would that look? Prayer changes things. Prayer takes the worry and fear out of circumstances and replaces it with peace and joy.
I'm a worrier by nature. I own it. Hi, I'm Jennifer and I'm a worrier. I worry about the future. I worry about Chris' job, his health, our marriage. I worry about Matthew. I worry about my family. I worry about my friends. But God tells us in Philippians 4:6, Don't worry about anything, but in everything through prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
We are told not to worry about anything. All I have to do is lay it at God's feet. Boom, done. God is capable of answering all prayers. He hears them all. He answers. Sometimes the silence is the answer. Sometimes no outcome is the answer. Sometimes you see a miracle and that's the answer. Regardless, God hears our prayers and responds in His way and His time. Stormie Omartian has a quote, "God says we don't need to be anxious about anything; we just need to pray about everything". Pray without ceasing. Pray when it's good. Pray when it's not so good. Pray. Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.~ Romans 12:12
When is the last time you were on your knees in prayer? Today? Yesterday? Can't remember? Get on your knees! Take time to send your requests to God. Let Him take the situation and do what only God can do.
In my weekly Bible Study, we have the opportunity to pray for each other. I have a circle of 7 women that I pray with every week on our knees. It is the sweetest time. And it's awe inspiring to see just how God answers prayer. It's even more jaw dropping to see prayers answered when people are praying to God from all different areas of the country about the same circumstance. Our God is big and powerful and almighty. How can you not go to your knees in praise and prayer knowing that God works all things for the good of His children. How blessed we are to be able to spend time with our Father and know He hears it all and loves us through it all. Prayer is Powerful! Don't waste another minute being too busy...
Prayer- noun: a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.
How many of you have lifted up prayers to God? How many of you have ever spent time in prayer with God? How many of you even make time for prayer during your day? Valid questions, right?
I'll come clean and call myself to the carpet. I do not always make time for prayer in my day. More often than not, God gets my quick, reflex response driven prayers. Arrow prayers I like to call them. I don't dedicate time to just sit and spend time in prayer with God. I know I should. I know it's what God desires for us but life gets in the way and my schedule becomes more important than God's. Anyone nodding along in agreement?
Prayer is a powerful tool that we can use to communicate with God. Prayer allows us a moment for God to take control of our thoughts and provide peace, comfort and hope over a certain situation. Prayer gives us strength to face the unknown. Prayer gives us an opportunity to praise for the answer. God desires time with us in prayer. The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful.~ James 5:16
Even Christ withdrew often from the world to spend time in prayer with his Father. Imagine the outlook life would have if prayer was an intentional part of your day. How would that look? Prayer changes things. Prayer takes the worry and fear out of circumstances and replaces it with peace and joy.
I'm a worrier by nature. I own it. Hi, I'm Jennifer and I'm a worrier. I worry about the future. I worry about Chris' job, his health, our marriage. I worry about Matthew. I worry about my family. I worry about my friends. But God tells us in Philippians 4:6, Don't worry about anything, but in everything through prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
We are told not to worry about anything. All I have to do is lay it at God's feet. Boom, done. God is capable of answering all prayers. He hears them all. He answers. Sometimes the silence is the answer. Sometimes no outcome is the answer. Sometimes you see a miracle and that's the answer. Regardless, God hears our prayers and responds in His way and His time. Stormie Omartian has a quote, "God says we don't need to be anxious about anything; we just need to pray about everything". Pray without ceasing. Pray when it's good. Pray when it's not so good. Pray. Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.~ Romans 12:12
When is the last time you were on your knees in prayer? Today? Yesterday? Can't remember? Get on your knees! Take time to send your requests to God. Let Him take the situation and do what only God can do.
In my weekly Bible Study, we have the opportunity to pray for each other. I have a circle of 7 women that I pray with every week on our knees. It is the sweetest time. And it's awe inspiring to see just how God answers prayer. It's even more jaw dropping to see prayers answered when people are praying to God from all different areas of the country about the same circumstance. Our God is big and powerful and almighty. How can you not go to your knees in praise and prayer knowing that God works all things for the good of His children. How blessed we are to be able to spend time with our Father and know He hears it all and loves us through it all. Prayer is Powerful! Don't waste another minute being too busy...
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
I like to consider myself a happy, cheerful, optimistic person. Glass half full, not empty. A smile goes a long way. Your perspective can change your outlook. You know all the phrases. A lot has been going on in the Evoy house. I've posted about much of it because it's what is on my heart and God is trying to remind me to trust Him. Trust and Obey as my friend Katie reminded me this morning. It's hard to be optimistic when you feel the walls closing in. Sometimes it's hard to be full of joy when you feel overwhelmed.
Marie T. Freeman once said, "If you can't tell whether your glass is half-empty or half-full, you don't need another glass; what you need is better eyesight...and a more thankful heart".
She's right. It's how we look and handle things. The grass is always greener on the other side, or so we think. And with everything that is going on these days, I'm often times finding it hard to be optimistic. Instead of fearing and worrying, I need to take time to celebrate the small steps we've taken and praise God for the journey. I need to be thankful for God's constant protection and comfort. There's a purpose and a reason for everything that's happening, and God knows why.
Yesterday Chris underwent a few procedures to rule out a few cancers and hopefully find out why he got a PE in February. Many of you may recall that he went to the emergency room and we discovered he had a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot in his right lung. Yesterday's procedures didn't bring answers about the clot but they did rule out some cancers. I should have been happy with that diagnosis, but I only became more frustrated.
Yesterday afternoon, we met with Chris' hematologist. She proceeded to give us some information that was helpful but still did not provide answers. She did however order a new scan of Chris' chest to confirm no additional clots because Chris is experiencing a pain on the left side of his chest now. Again, a wave of frustration and overwhelming despair overcame my heart.
Today we had that scan and the doctor called after hours to let us know the findings. First off, I'm amazed at an after hour call from the doctor. Secondly, the news she shared was good news for once. We still have a bit of a road to walk ahead of us but for today, I'm optimistic about that path.
Praises be to God, the clot in the right lung has dissolved and been absorbed by Chris' body. The damage that was done from the clot is still healing BUT even our doctor is optimistic about how things will look at Chris' next scan in a few months. Good stuff.
So our next stop is at the cardiologist to check out a few concerns. Yes, I'm worried but I'm going to remain optimistic about those exams. I can't sit and fret and allow the overwhelming feeling take over. I need to put on my big girl panties and live out my trust in God.
I'm learning in my study of the Book of Romans this year that as a Christian and believer of Christ, I must behave a certain way. What example am I setting if I walk around full of negative energy? God tells us in Psalm 31:24, Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heat, all ye that hope in the Lord. People are watching me and observing how I respond to the constant changing circumstances with my husband's health. I want to be so strong in my faith that my trust in the Lord oozes out of every pore of my body. I want to be so filled with hope that I have a goofy smile on my face and people want the joy that I have. That's my goal! To look at the situation at hand and the path we must walk with optimism.
Yep, I CAN do all things through Christ. I CAN have hope in God that He has all things handled and I CAN simply sit at Jesus' feet and let Him handle the details. I WILL be optimistic.
Thank you Lord, for Your never failing love. Help me to be more optimistic about the circumstances surrounding my family. Keep my eyes on You and help me to remain in the peace only You can provide. I place all my hope and trust in You. Amen.
Marie T. Freeman once said, "If you can't tell whether your glass is half-empty or half-full, you don't need another glass; what you need is better eyesight...and a more thankful heart".
She's right. It's how we look and handle things. The grass is always greener on the other side, or so we think. And with everything that is going on these days, I'm often times finding it hard to be optimistic. Instead of fearing and worrying, I need to take time to celebrate the small steps we've taken and praise God for the journey. I need to be thankful for God's constant protection and comfort. There's a purpose and a reason for everything that's happening, and God knows why.
Yesterday Chris underwent a few procedures to rule out a few cancers and hopefully find out why he got a PE in February. Many of you may recall that he went to the emergency room and we discovered he had a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot in his right lung. Yesterday's procedures didn't bring answers about the clot but they did rule out some cancers. I should have been happy with that diagnosis, but I only became more frustrated.
Yesterday afternoon, we met with Chris' hematologist. She proceeded to give us some information that was helpful but still did not provide answers. She did however order a new scan of Chris' chest to confirm no additional clots because Chris is experiencing a pain on the left side of his chest now. Again, a wave of frustration and overwhelming despair overcame my heart.
Today we had that scan and the doctor called after hours to let us know the findings. First off, I'm amazed at an after hour call from the doctor. Secondly, the news she shared was good news for once. We still have a bit of a road to walk ahead of us but for today, I'm optimistic about that path.
Praises be to God, the clot in the right lung has dissolved and been absorbed by Chris' body. The damage that was done from the clot is still healing BUT even our doctor is optimistic about how things will look at Chris' next scan in a few months. Good stuff.
So our next stop is at the cardiologist to check out a few concerns. Yes, I'm worried but I'm going to remain optimistic about those exams. I can't sit and fret and allow the overwhelming feeling take over. I need to put on my big girl panties and live out my trust in God.
I'm learning in my study of the Book of Romans this year that as a Christian and believer of Christ, I must behave a certain way. What example am I setting if I walk around full of negative energy? God tells us in Psalm 31:24, Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heat, all ye that hope in the Lord. People are watching me and observing how I respond to the constant changing circumstances with my husband's health. I want to be so strong in my faith that my trust in the Lord oozes out of every pore of my body. I want to be so filled with hope that I have a goofy smile on my face and people want the joy that I have. That's my goal! To look at the situation at hand and the path we must walk with optimism.
I can do everything through him that gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
Yep, I CAN do all things through Christ. I CAN have hope in God that He has all things handled and I CAN simply sit at Jesus' feet and let Him handle the details. I WILL be optimistic.
Thank you Lord, for Your never failing love. Help me to be more optimistic about the circumstances surrounding my family. Keep my eyes on You and help me to remain in the peace only You can provide. I place all my hope and trust in You. Amen.
Monday, April 16, 2018
Seeing "M"iracles "N"ow
I did it again. I let life take over my weekend and I'm behind a letter in my AtoZ Challenge. But no need to worry, I'm getting caught up today!
I'm curious, how many people have experienced a miracle in their life? Do you look for them? Do you anticipate God to work them today, or even now at this very moment? God can and does everyday of our lives. Ephesians 3:20 tells us, with God's power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine.
Nine years ago we thought we were losing my Dad. He went in for heart surgery. I want to say routine bypass surgery but is bypass surgery ever really routine? I can close my eyes and still go back to the day my world changed and almost shattered. I can still smell the smells, see the fear in my Mom's eyes and hear the alarms as if it was just happening today.
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a Daddy's girl. I love my family and I hurt when they hurt. A simple bypass surgery was all it was supposed to be but things took a drastic turn after surgery. I can remember sitting there, next to the bed, with my Mom. She was knitting and I was reading and Dad was sitting up in bed counting down the minutes to when he could have his Jello. I remember us kidding on what flavor he wanted. And then I looked down at my book and the words were gone.
There was no writing on the pages but instead it was as if I was watching a video play out. There were noises like alarms, blue lights flashing, people in white coats filling the room and my Mom and I were hiding in the corner. I saw myself on the page kicking a stool and chair out of the way and just grabbing my Mom and covering her eyes. And then, just as quick as I'd seen the images, it happened for real.
Blue lights started flashing. Alarms and codes were being sent out all over the floor. Every time I blinked, more nurses and doctors were in the room. And I realized, I had kicked the stool and the chair and was standing in the corner covering my Mom's eyes.
All I could see was my Dad on the bed, his body covered in sweat, his body jumping and jerking with each snap of the paddles to restart his heart. Doctors were pulling tubes out of him, people were yelling words I couldn't understand. Mom and I were escorted out of the room, the curtain was drawn and the door closed...and then there was silence.
My Mom sat in a chair directly outside of Dad's room. Her eyes never left the door. Nurses came over and asked her to sign paperwork and Mom just looked at me. As if in a fog, she just stared at me unsure of what was happening. I remember telling her to sign the forms. It's to help Dad. SIGN THEM! Before Mom could even sign them, another set of alarms and codes rang out. Dad had had another event and once again he was being jolted back to life.
We never thought when Dad went in for surgery that we'd be in this situation. I wasn't prepared and I just wanted to ask God what his big plan was?
For almost two weeks, Dad was on a ventilator and put into a medically induced coma. For almost two weeks I would make daily trips, multiple times a day, to the ICU floor of the hospital. I would rub his hair and talk to him. I would call up to the hospital each morning to see how his night had gone. It's hard to see someone you care about hooked up to so many machines just to keep them alive.
I will never forget the fear that gripped me that day. And then God stirs my heart and I remember that series of images in my book. God gave me a miracle that day. Not only did he provide treatment and healing for my Dad, he provided me protection and trust throughout the entire process.
That series of images were from God. It was God letting me know He was ultimately in control. Only God could provide a miracle like that. Only God.
What's amazing is God performs miracles like that everyday. But do we stay in tune enough to see them? Are we actively looking for those miracle moments? Gloria Gaither has a quote, "I could go through this day oblivious to the miracles all around me or I could tune in and enjoy".
Step outside yourself right now and look around. Your life is full of miracles. Don't get so caught up in life that you miss the miracles that happen each and every day. When you miss the opportunities to believe the impossible, you are slamming the door on what God can do. I pray you will get so caught up in the miracles that you will just have to share the news and that that news will ignite a fire for Christ. Go on now, go see a few miracles for yourself....God's waiting.....
I'm curious, how many people have experienced a miracle in their life? Do you look for them? Do you anticipate God to work them today, or even now at this very moment? God can and does everyday of our lives. Ephesians 3:20 tells us, with God's power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine.
Nine years ago we thought we were losing my Dad. He went in for heart surgery. I want to say routine bypass surgery but is bypass surgery ever really routine? I can close my eyes and still go back to the day my world changed and almost shattered. I can still smell the smells, see the fear in my Mom's eyes and hear the alarms as if it was just happening today.
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a Daddy's girl. I love my family and I hurt when they hurt. A simple bypass surgery was all it was supposed to be but things took a drastic turn after surgery. I can remember sitting there, next to the bed, with my Mom. She was knitting and I was reading and Dad was sitting up in bed counting down the minutes to when he could have his Jello. I remember us kidding on what flavor he wanted. And then I looked down at my book and the words were gone.
There was no writing on the pages but instead it was as if I was watching a video play out. There were noises like alarms, blue lights flashing, people in white coats filling the room and my Mom and I were hiding in the corner. I saw myself on the page kicking a stool and chair out of the way and just grabbing my Mom and covering her eyes. And then, just as quick as I'd seen the images, it happened for real.
Blue lights started flashing. Alarms and codes were being sent out all over the floor. Every time I blinked, more nurses and doctors were in the room. And I realized, I had kicked the stool and the chair and was standing in the corner covering my Mom's eyes.
All I could see was my Dad on the bed, his body covered in sweat, his body jumping and jerking with each snap of the paddles to restart his heart. Doctors were pulling tubes out of him, people were yelling words I couldn't understand. Mom and I were escorted out of the room, the curtain was drawn and the door closed...and then there was silence.
My Mom sat in a chair directly outside of Dad's room. Her eyes never left the door. Nurses came over and asked her to sign paperwork and Mom just looked at me. As if in a fog, she just stared at me unsure of what was happening. I remember telling her to sign the forms. It's to help Dad. SIGN THEM! Before Mom could even sign them, another set of alarms and codes rang out. Dad had had another event and once again he was being jolted back to life.
We never thought when Dad went in for surgery that we'd be in this situation. I wasn't prepared and I just wanted to ask God what his big plan was?
For almost two weeks, Dad was on a ventilator and put into a medically induced coma. For almost two weeks I would make daily trips, multiple times a day, to the ICU floor of the hospital. I would rub his hair and talk to him. I would call up to the hospital each morning to see how his night had gone. It's hard to see someone you care about hooked up to so many machines just to keep them alive.
I will never forget the fear that gripped me that day. And then God stirs my heart and I remember that series of images in my book. God gave me a miracle that day. Not only did he provide treatment and healing for my Dad, he provided me protection and trust throughout the entire process.
That series of images were from God. It was God letting me know He was ultimately in control. Only God could provide a miracle like that. Only God.
What's amazing is God performs miracles like that everyday. But do we stay in tune enough to see them? Are we actively looking for those miracle moments? Gloria Gaither has a quote, "I could go through this day oblivious to the miracles all around me or I could tune in and enjoy".
Step outside yourself right now and look around. Your life is full of miracles. Don't get so caught up in life that you miss the miracles that happen each and every day. When you miss the opportunities to believe the impossible, you are slamming the door on what God can do. I pray you will get so caught up in the miracles that you will just have to share the news and that that news will ignite a fire for Christ. Go on now, go see a few miracles for yourself....God's waiting.....
Friday, April 13, 2018
The "L"oves of my "L"ife
If there is one thing I can write passionately about it's the two men in my life. Chris and Matthew. Those two. Ugh, how they hold my heart. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would ever be blessed so much. But God is good and faithful to His children.
The greatest command Christ gives us is to love one another. In my home, we do love. We do kindness. We do forgiveness. We do life together. And I don't think we would have it any other way.
As I've recently written, Matthew is entering a new season in life. In about a month, he will be a high school graduate. My post, Embracing Change, tells all about how I am dealing with the changes on the horizon. But that boy, oh how he loves his Momma. Don't get me wrong, there are days where it is not quite as evident as others...but don't we all have days like that? Matthew has such a good heart. I feel that's why he wants to go into the medical field, to help people. And the more I watch Matthew become a young man, practically an adult, the more I see glimpses of me in him. He's funny, he's smart, he's compassionate and he's a gift. From the first days when I brought him home
and it was just me and Matthew, to today where I get to share him with Chris, priceless memories. God knew what he was doing when he created this young man. He has a heart of gold and is such a good kid. He makes me proud every day to be his Mom.
And then there is the other love in my life, Chris. When I divorced, I just assumed since I was a single mom, my opportunities were over. Ahh, nope! I met Chris when I was still carrying the baby weight from having Matthew. I felt horrible about myself. And I was a new mom to a can imagine how I looked. And yet this man took an interest in me. Fresh out of a divorce himself, we were both cautiously optimistic about the future. I can remember after that first date we were inseparable. People would tell us we were moving too fast. We were warned to take our time because we both had children. But that isn't the Evoy style. Chris' parents were engaged quick and while Chris and I took 4 years to get to the altar, we rolled through the beginning stages of our relationship in classic Evoy style...full speed ahead.
The day he asked me to marry him, July 4, 2003, he asked both Matthew and I. It was a moment I will never forget. I can still picture his face as he knelt down on one knee in front of Matthew and I. To be honest, he must have really wanted to marry me because I hadn't even brushed my teeth yet! Six months later, our families blended and become one. 18 years later we are still doing life together.
We've had our share of ups and downs. Loss of jobs. Loss of family members. Sickness. Custody battles. Job transfers across county. Loss of our home. Building our forever home. The path we've walked we've walked together every step. Not always easy but always, ALWAYS together.
God knew what he was doing when he put Chris and I together. There is true magic when you are married to your best friend in life. A pastor once told us, "you'd better be best friends with your spouse because when the kids are gone, you're stuck with each other". It's true. These days it's Chris and I. Matthew is working or busy and it's just Chris and I.
I treasure the two men in my life more than anything. I would do anything for them. I don't deserve either one of them and yet God saw fit for me to be blessed with both of them. How great is our God?
God took me, broken and divorced, and built me up into a new me. No longer just Jennifer but rather a Mother and a Wife. God gave me two people who love me unconditionally. Two people who would jump over a cliff for me or with me. Two men who protect me, support me and love me.
Truer words have never been said. God knows the plans he has for us. Plans to prosper us and to give us hope and a future. God gave me a new future when he gifted me Matthew. God gave me a new future when Chris and I got married. Praise be to God for loving me that much. I pray that you too will trust God with your future knowing that He is faithful and has plans to proper you and not harm you.
The greatest command Christ gives us is to love one another. In my home, we do love. We do kindness. We do forgiveness. We do life together. And I don't think we would have it any other way.

and it was just me and Matthew, to today where I get to share him with Chris, priceless memories. God knew what he was doing when he created this young man. He has a heart of gold and is such a good kid. He makes me proud every day to be his Mom.
And then there is the other love in my life, Chris. When I divorced, I just assumed since I was a single mom, my opportunities were over. Ahh, nope! I met Chris when I was still carrying the baby weight from having Matthew. I felt horrible about myself. And I was a new mom to a can imagine how I looked. And yet this man took an interest in me. Fresh out of a divorce himself, we were both cautiously optimistic about the future. I can remember after that first date we were inseparable. People would tell us we were moving too fast. We were warned to take our time because we both had children. But that isn't the Evoy style. Chris' parents were engaged quick and while Chris and I took 4 years to get to the altar, we rolled through the beginning stages of our relationship in classic Evoy style...full speed ahead.
The day he asked me to marry him, July 4, 2003, he asked both Matthew and I. It was a moment I will never forget. I can still picture his face as he knelt down on one knee in front of Matthew and I. To be honest, he must have really wanted to marry me because I hadn't even brushed my teeth yet! Six months later, our families blended and become one. 18 years later we are still doing life together.
We've had our share of ups and downs. Loss of jobs. Loss of family members. Sickness. Custody battles. Job transfers across county. Loss of our home. Building our forever home. The path we've walked we've walked together every step. Not always easy but always, ALWAYS together.
God knew what he was doing when he put Chris and I together. There is true magic when you are married to your best friend in life. A pastor once told us, "you'd better be best friends with your spouse because when the kids are gone, you're stuck with each other". It's true. These days it's Chris and I. Matthew is working or busy and it's just Chris and I.
I treasure the two men in my life more than anything. I would do anything for them. I don't deserve either one of them and yet God saw fit for me to be blessed with both of them. How great is our God?
God took me, broken and divorced, and built me up into a new me. No longer just Jennifer but rather a Mother and a Wife. God gave me two people who love me unconditionally. Two people who would jump over a cliff for me or with me. Two men who protect me, support me and love me.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11
Truer words have never been said. God knows the plans he has for us. Plans to prosper us and to give us hope and a future. God gave me a new future when he gifted me Matthew. God gave me a new future when Chris and I got married. Praise be to God for loving me that much. I pray that you too will trust God with your future knowing that He is faithful and has plans to proper you and not harm you.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
God's "K"ingdom
"As you go, preach this message: "The kingdom of heaven is near." Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give."- Matthew 10:7-8
None of us on earth have ever seen the kingdom of heaven. The only kingdom we know is here on earth. But we read in the Bible, that God has established the heaven's and the earth and we are promised to join Christ in heaven one day. And while we await the day when we will be either called home or meet Jesus in the second coming, we have a mission here on earth.
We are to love the unlovable. Comfort the sick. Pray for our enemies. WE are to be ambassador's for Christ. That means we are to love as Christ loves us.
God has given each of us special gifts to further HIS kingdom. It's our job to use those gifts and talents in service to God. A Christian's service is to minister to everyone about Jesus. How do we do that?
Each of us has walked our own journey through life and each of us has had experiences both good and bad. We are called to share those moments with others who are walking those same paths. Jesus blessing us through our good and bad moments means we can then use that blessing to bless others. That's how the kingdom is expanded.
Chris is coming again, God has told us this in His Word. God is waiting for as many people as possible to be saved so that we can all be together in heaven. Our position and standing with God is dependent only on Christ's performance and his atoning death for us. Because of that, we are forever indebted to God. But instead of seeing us a sinners, he sees us as His children who he desires to have with him IN his kingdom.
We are on earth to be of service to all we come in contact with. We are here to show compassion and mercy to each other. Our purpose is to further the kingdom, not our own agendas and ego.
The kingdom of God is going to be beautiful beyond anything we could ever begin to imagine. Everything we have is a gift from God. Respond accordingly so that this earthly kingdom can look more like our future kingdom where we are able to spend time in the presence of our Father.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
"J"ust "J"ennifer
Today for a little mid week fun, I think I will post about me. For those of you actually reading my writing, you may be curious who am I, what I stand for, why I blog. So, here goes...
I was born in a small town in Iowa. Grew up on the Mississippi River and loved watching the riverboats come and go. It's funny, my husband grew up on the beach and loves the ocean. I grew up at the river, and am a river girl at heart. I can remember going out with my Grampa and Great-Grampa and setting lines. Fort those of you who have no idea what that is, they would scope out a spot in the Mississippi and drop lines with bait. Then, a few days later we'd pull up the lines and hope we had some Mississippi Catfish. Sometimes we got lucky, sometimes the river ran dry.
Growing up we went to church. It's been in my blood for as long as I can remember. Sunday was our family day. We would visit sometimes both, sometimes just one set of Grandparents after church. I loved the Sunday's when we would go to my dad's folks. Gramma and Granddad Johnson. If we were going to their house, we were eating KFC and Gramma would usually make a cherry pie. Oh the yumminess!!! We would all pile around the small kitchen table and feast on chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, coleslaw, and pie. Then, when it was time to leave, we would get to pick a candy bar from the fridge to enjoy later. I miss those days.
When I was a preteen, my dad got transferred through DuPont to Virginia. So our family boxed up our belongings and moved across country. I finished out my schooling in Virginia, attended college in Virginia, married (and divorced) my first husband in Virginia, had Matthew in Virginia, and met my current husband, all in Virginia. Virginia was good to me but alas, staying put there was NOT what God had planned.
Faith has always been an important part of my life but I didn't take it seriously until Chris and I moved to Savannah, Georgia. The fire started in, you guessed it, Virginia. My dad was a lay leader in the UMC. I can remember us traveling to different churches in the area to listen to him preach. One time, when I was still pregnant with Matthew, we traveled to hear dad give a sermon and as soon as my dad started talking from the pulpit, Matthew starting kicking. Mom and I just smiled and giggled quietly. But Savannah is where my faith jumped into full speed.
Chris and I were moved around a lot for his work. We moved our family from Virginia to Indiana. I laugh, I actually started blogging while we lived in Indiana so my family could see what we Evoy's were up to. We lived between my family in Iowa and my family in Virginia so my first blog was named, In the Middle. My family enjoyed being able to follow along on our journey of living away from family for the first time. It was fun to write sassy little posts. Then, Chris got transferred to Savannah. And as my faith began to grow and we began making new friends and serving in new ministries, my purpose for my blogging changed. It became an outlet for me to put pen to paper, per say, and spend time with God. It allowed me quiet moments where I could sit and just type. I tell Chris all the time, I'll proofread my blog before I hit the post button and every time there is a section that I don't remember typing. That's God. I try really hard to utilize my blog to point people to Jesus. To remind myself of how great our God is. It builds up my faith.
My blog has been a lifeline for me as I've grown in my walk with God. We were transferred from Georgia to Minnesota and it was hard. We had a great church and great friends in Savannah. But my blog provided an outlet for God to show me and teach me what he desired for my family.
This past winter, we dropped anchor in middle Tennessee.
The day we signed the contract to build our home I don't know if I was more excited about the house or the fact that our moving days were behind us. As I look back on all the steps it took to get to this place, I realize, God's hand was in all of it. Each place we've lived has grown me. Each place has given me strong Christian relationships. Each place was a stepping stone and training ground for now. And each place is full of women that I can reach out to in time of prayer, praise, fear or excitement. How blessed am I?
Chris and I feel we are in Tennessee for a reason. One reason is to help start our new church, People of Hope. We've been given an opportunity to stand along fellow friends and build up a church from the ground up. Oh the excitement to watch God do His best work. Feel free to follow our progress, donate or simply pray for this amazing church at:
God has a plan for each of us. I love being able to look back over my life and see God in all of it. Even when I was new to my faith, God was in my life. I credit my parents for being so strong in their faith that I carry that same strength within me.
My path hasn't been easy but my path has been blessed. No life is perfect and there will be speed bumps. But when you let go and let God lead, oh the sweetness in those moments.
Hi, my name is Jennifer. I'm a believer of my Savior Jesus. I'm a Mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, an aunt, and an ambassador for Christ. Nice to meet you.
I was born in a small town in Iowa. Grew up on the Mississippi River and loved watching the riverboats come and go. It's funny, my husband grew up on the beach and loves the ocean. I grew up at the river, and am a river girl at heart. I can remember going out with my Grampa and Great-Grampa and setting lines. Fort those of you who have no idea what that is, they would scope out a spot in the Mississippi and drop lines with bait. Then, a few days later we'd pull up the lines and hope we had some Mississippi Catfish. Sometimes we got lucky, sometimes the river ran dry.
Growing up we went to church. It's been in my blood for as long as I can remember. Sunday was our family day. We would visit sometimes both, sometimes just one set of Grandparents after church. I loved the Sunday's when we would go to my dad's folks. Gramma and Granddad Johnson. If we were going to their house, we were eating KFC and Gramma would usually make a cherry pie. Oh the yumminess!!! We would all pile around the small kitchen table and feast on chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, coleslaw, and pie. Then, when it was time to leave, we would get to pick a candy bar from the fridge to enjoy later. I miss those days.
When I was a preteen, my dad got transferred through DuPont to Virginia. So our family boxed up our belongings and moved across country. I finished out my schooling in Virginia, attended college in Virginia, married (and divorced) my first husband in Virginia, had Matthew in Virginia, and met my current husband, all in Virginia. Virginia was good to me but alas, staying put there was NOT what God had planned.
Faith has always been an important part of my life but I didn't take it seriously until Chris and I moved to Savannah, Georgia. The fire started in, you guessed it, Virginia. My dad was a lay leader in the UMC. I can remember us traveling to different churches in the area to listen to him preach. One time, when I was still pregnant with Matthew, we traveled to hear dad give a sermon and as soon as my dad started talking from the pulpit, Matthew starting kicking. Mom and I just smiled and giggled quietly. But Savannah is where my faith jumped into full speed.
Chris and I were moved around a lot for his work. We moved our family from Virginia to Indiana. I laugh, I actually started blogging while we lived in Indiana so my family could see what we Evoy's were up to. We lived between my family in Iowa and my family in Virginia so my first blog was named, In the Middle. My family enjoyed being able to follow along on our journey of living away from family for the first time. It was fun to write sassy little posts. Then, Chris got transferred to Savannah. And as my faith began to grow and we began making new friends and serving in new ministries, my purpose for my blogging changed. It became an outlet for me to put pen to paper, per say, and spend time with God. It allowed me quiet moments where I could sit and just type. I tell Chris all the time, I'll proofread my blog before I hit the post button and every time there is a section that I don't remember typing. That's God. I try really hard to utilize my blog to point people to Jesus. To remind myself of how great our God is. It builds up my faith.
My blog has been a lifeline for me as I've grown in my walk with God. We were transferred from Georgia to Minnesota and it was hard. We had a great church and great friends in Savannah. But my blog provided an outlet for God to show me and teach me what he desired for my family.
This past winter, we dropped anchor in middle Tennessee.
The day we signed the contract to build our home I don't know if I was more excited about the house or the fact that our moving days were behind us. As I look back on all the steps it took to get to this place, I realize, God's hand was in all of it. Each place we've lived has grown me. Each place has given me strong Christian relationships. Each place was a stepping stone and training ground for now. And each place is full of women that I can reach out to in time of prayer, praise, fear or excitement. How blessed am I?
Chris and I feel we are in Tennessee for a reason. One reason is to help start our new church, People of Hope. We've been given an opportunity to stand along fellow friends and build up a church from the ground up. Oh the excitement to watch God do His best work. Feel free to follow our progress, donate or simply pray for this amazing church at:
God has a plan for each of us. I love being able to look back over my life and see God in all of it. Even when I was new to my faith, God was in my life. I credit my parents for being so strong in their faith that I carry that same strength within me.
My path hasn't been easy but my path has been blessed. No life is perfect and there will be speed bumps. But when you let go and let God lead, oh the sweetness in those moments.
Hi, my name is Jennifer. I'm a believer of my Savior Jesus. I'm a Mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, an aunt, and an ambassador for Christ. Nice to meet you.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
"I"mpossible? Never!
It says in the Bible that ALL things are possible with God (Luke 18:27). I'm clinging to that truth as this week progresses. Many of you know that Chris is healing from a blood clot in his right lung. Part of his healing is working with a hematologist to determine the why's, where's and how come's.
When we first met with her, she told us that she wasn't convinced that Chris' blood clot came from his legs. Me, always questioning, asked- then from where? She is concerned it might have come from Chris' "gut" area. And if so, because of some other symptoms Chris is experiencing, could be pointing to cancer. YIKES! What? Not what either of us was expecting to hear come out of the doctor's mouth.
So in order to rule out the various possibilities, we have to start going through a series of procedures. Checking off the boxes you might say. It's scary. You never want your spouse to have something wrong with them. I've had enough fear just replaying through that night in the emergency room when Chris' blood clot was discovered. And starting this week, as we prepare for the first round of procedures, that fear is creeping back in.
Chris was put on blood thinners to dissolve the clot in his lung when he was released from the hospital. And since the pain has subsided, it appears that the meds are doing what they are supposed to be doing. But, Chris can't be on those meds when he has his procedures done on Monday. Those blood thinners can cause problems and Chris could bleed out during the procedure. Could bleed out...umm..nope, can't happen! I know what you're thinking because I thought the same thing. What do you do?
Funny you should ask. Starting Friday, our "nursing student to be", Matthew, and I get to inject medication into Chris' stomach. Just the thought of us administering this at home makes me go weak in the knees. Matthew and I are going to tag team it so neither one of us gets overwhelmed. We have to "bridge" the blood thinners using these new meds so Chris can continue to heal AND not bleed out during the procedures. When did medicine get so advanced to be able to do these types of things and to do them from home? I'm just trying to breath and not get overwhelmed by the idea of sticking my husband in the stomach six times over the course of three days.
Monday Chris will be under the care of someone we trust completely. He's a friend AND a doctor. He knows the entire story of what Chris has been through and I know in my heart he will do everything in his power to keep Chris stable and comfortable. I know that he will do a complete exam and I feel confident he will find nothing. I can feel that confidence because nothing is impossible with God.
Yes, I'm nervous. Yes, I'm concerned. No, I am not going to allow myself to be overcome with gut wrenching fear. God has this. God has been in this from day one. Nothing is impossible with God.
I know that Chris is in God's hands. And his doctor Monday is a fellow believer and trusts God in all he does. God will be with them in that room. God already knows what will or will not be found. God is in control.
I am so thankful in moments of fear that I can lay them all at the feet of Jesus and know it's handled. I am so blessed to be able to lift up my requests for my husband's healing and know that God hears me. God is a possible God. With God, nothing shall be impossible.
Can I ask YOU to pray for my husband this week and Monday? Pray for my family as we prepare to transition Chris' medications. Pray that the transition is smooth and that each syringe works properly so that Chris can receive every dose he needs to. Pray that Monday, we are all kept calm and are able to feel the peace that only God can provide.
When we first met with her, she told us that she wasn't convinced that Chris' blood clot came from his legs. Me, always questioning, asked- then from where? She is concerned it might have come from Chris' "gut" area. And if so, because of some other symptoms Chris is experiencing, could be pointing to cancer. YIKES! What? Not what either of us was expecting to hear come out of the doctor's mouth.
So in order to rule out the various possibilities, we have to start going through a series of procedures. Checking off the boxes you might say. It's scary. You never want your spouse to have something wrong with them. I've had enough fear just replaying through that night in the emergency room when Chris' blood clot was discovered. And starting this week, as we prepare for the first round of procedures, that fear is creeping back in.
Chris was put on blood thinners to dissolve the clot in his lung when he was released from the hospital. And since the pain has subsided, it appears that the meds are doing what they are supposed to be doing. But, Chris can't be on those meds when he has his procedures done on Monday. Those blood thinners can cause problems and Chris could bleed out during the procedure. Could bleed out...umm..nope, can't happen! I know what you're thinking because I thought the same thing. What do you do?
Funny you should ask. Starting Friday, our "nursing student to be", Matthew, and I get to inject medication into Chris' stomach. Just the thought of us administering this at home makes me go weak in the knees. Matthew and I are going to tag team it so neither one of us gets overwhelmed. We have to "bridge" the blood thinners using these new meds so Chris can continue to heal AND not bleed out during the procedures. When did medicine get so advanced to be able to do these types of things and to do them from home? I'm just trying to breath and not get overwhelmed by the idea of sticking my husband in the stomach six times over the course of three days.
Monday Chris will be under the care of someone we trust completely. He's a friend AND a doctor. He knows the entire story of what Chris has been through and I know in my heart he will do everything in his power to keep Chris stable and comfortable. I know that he will do a complete exam and I feel confident he will find nothing. I can feel that confidence because nothing is impossible with God.
Yes, I'm nervous. Yes, I'm concerned. No, I am not going to allow myself to be overcome with gut wrenching fear. God has this. God has been in this from day one. Nothing is impossible with God.
Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you. Mark 11:24
I know that Chris is in God's hands. And his doctor Monday is a fellow believer and trusts God in all he does. God will be with them in that room. God already knows what will or will not be found. God is in control.
I am so thankful in moments of fear that I can lay them all at the feet of Jesus and know it's handled. I am so blessed to be able to lift up my requests for my husband's healing and know that God hears me. God is a possible God. With God, nothing shall be impossible.
Can I ask YOU to pray for my husband this week and Monday? Pray for my family as we prepare to transition Chris' medications. Pray that the transition is smooth and that each syringe works properly so that Chris can receive every dose he needs to. Pray that Monday, we are all kept calm and are able to feel the peace that only God can provide.
Praises be to God for the outcome, the findings and the process of healing.
Monday, April 9, 2018
At "H"is Feet
Are you a Mary or a Martha? I consider myself a Martha a majority of the time. I can't help it and I come by it honestly. I'm an OCD addict to the highest degree. Things have to be a certain way. Things have a way of being done and it needs to be done sooner rather than later.
In my heart, I'd love to be a Mary. Mary took the time to just sit at the feet of Jesus and listen. She didn't hustle and bustle around preparing a meal, cleaning the house, she just sat. Maybe you don't know the story of Mary and Martha?
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42
God desires us to be active and obedient to Him. Part of that obedience is serving Him. So why on earth did Martha get told that Mary was doing the right thing? It's confusing to think that God desires us to serve Him yet there are times where he wants us to just be still.
In my heart, I'd love to be a Mary. Mary took the time to just sit at the feet of Jesus and listen. She didn't hustle and bustle around preparing a meal, cleaning the house, she just sat. Maybe you don't know the story of Mary and Martha?
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42
God desires us to be active and obedient to Him. Part of that obedience is serving Him. So why on earth did Martha get told that Mary was doing the right thing? It's confusing to think that God desires us to serve Him yet there are times where he wants us to just be still.
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
Often it's in those quiet times where God can really speak to us. When we have nothing else going on. No laundry, no dishes, no dusting...oh how I hate dusting! When we can take a minute to just sit and be still with God, amazing things can happen. It gives God an opportunity to speak to us. There are moments in my life where a song will just pop into my head for no reason. A song that reminds me of a moment or someone. I am never able to put my finger on why that particular song has popped into my head at that exact moment except that God was taking a moment to connect with me. We need those moments of connection. We all need moments to just sit at the feet of Jesus, just like Mary, and soak it all in.
I don't know about you but I want to be more like Mary and take time to just sit and be still. I want to be able to put the laundry down, let the dishes pile up in the sink and just be still. In today's world, that's unheard of I think. It's hard to turn everything off and just be. And I don't know about you but often in those quiet moments I find myself making my next "to do" list. We just can't turn life off.
I'm challenging myself to turn life off. I want to steal a few moments everyday where life doesn't get in the way. A few moments where God and I can just sit and be. I may not be able to physically sit at the feet of Jesus but I can sit in His presence. God ultimately wants us to take time to sit at His feet.
God is content with our Martha moments but He truly desires us to be a bit more like Mary as well. Can you do it? Don't get too busy to just be.
Lord, I pray that you would give me opportunities to see Mary moments in my life. Prompt me to not always be a Martha but to truly savor the quiet moments at Your feet. Keep my eyes on You when my day gets away from me so that in the hustle and bustle of life I can remember to just be still, even for just a moment. Amen.
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