Saturday, April 13, 2019

"L"iving a "K"ind "L"ife

I'm sure we all have heard the Golden Rule.  I know when I was in elementary school in Iowa, the teachers had it plastered above the chalkboard so we as students would remember, "Do unto others as you would have them do to you".  Sounds easy enough right?  Treat others the way I myself want to be treated.  Kindness.  But far too often we allow ourselves to get busy, we get distracted, we are frustrated and instead of kindness, we show irritation, agitation, anger.  It happens to all of us.  But imagine just for a moment a world where kindness was the only way all of us lived.

Kindness is a daily choice.  It is far easier to be kind to those around you when you are happy or content.  But what about those days in between?  And what does God expect us to do?  How does He expect us to act?

In John 15:15, Jesus gives us a command.  "My Command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."   I don't know about you but that seems like a tough command to follow some days.  Some days I know that I myself am unlovable so why on earth would I want to love someone else?  Human emotional response, right?

As Christians, we must make the daily choice to be kind and loving to everyone, not just those closest to us.  We must look at everyone as Jesus would and love them.  When my family lived in Savannah, Georgia, we volunteered at the Lighthouse Ministry, part of Compassion Christian Church.  (see links below to find out more)

 The Lighthouse was a place where people came together to serve others through kindness and love.  Our family started serving on Wednesdays and we just grew to almost every time the building was open, we were there.  I miss serving this great ministry.  The purpose of the Lighthouse was to provide food, clothing and prayer to anyone who came in.  The folks needing a little extra help would have an opportunity to sit with a counselor and just talk and have some prayer time.  They would receive a Bible if they didn't have one or wanted one.  They would get a chance to walk through the clothing area and get coats, shoes, bedding, kitchen supplies if they needed them.  Then, our team would provide them with a large grocery bag of food.  And not just a few cans but good food.  Breads, canned goods, meats, veggies, you name it.  If it came into our building, it went out with the people who needed it.  And while the moments of helping all these people are stored in my memories, it's the team of people I served with that I treasure and miss the most.  They exuded kindness and Christ's love.  Never a moment went by that they weren't loving on all those folks that had come to us for help.  They took their volunteering personal and seriously.  They truly are the hands and feet of Jesus and sharing His love with all that enter that building.  Oh how I miss serving alongside those people!

Kindness.  I once shared a quote on one of my days to lead the group in prayer before we opened the doors.  It was from my book, 100 Days of Grace.  It said, "when we weave the thread of kindness into the very fabric of our lives, we give a priceless gift to others, and we give glory to the One who gave His life for us."  It takes one person being kind and setting off that little spark to bring hope into someones life that needs that spark.

If we are kind, we can lift others up.  We have no idea the ripple effect that can occur with just one simple act of kindness.  Marie T. Freeman has correctly stated, "When you talk, choose the very same words that you would use if Jesus were looking over your shoulder.  Because He is."  Wow.  If that statement doesn't step on your toes and make you cringe at the words we use towards others, then you my friend, you need to find Jesus.  Pleasant words are a honeycomb: sweet to the taste and health to the body.  Proverbs 16:24

Take a moment today to think before you act and speak.  Evaluate what your actions are saying.  Are you being kind?  Are you showing love as Christ would have you?  What do you need to change?    I leave you with this one final thought on this Saturday morning...

"As much as God loves to hear our worship and adoration, surely he delights all the more in seeing our gratitude translated into simple kindnesses that keep the chain of praise unbroken, alive in other's hearts".- Evelyn Christenson

Be that spark of light that ignites a river of kindness.  Live a life full of loving, kind words that build others up and allow them to see Christ's love within you.  Christ has commanded us to this way of living.  So, go be kind today and let that kindness ripple and overflow into every part of your day.  Go on...see what happens.

Feel lead to support the Lighthouse Ministry?  Please visit

 Compassion Christian Church - Lighthouse Ministry

select Lighthouse Ministry in the drop down box to donate online or see their Facebook page,

Lighthouse Ministry         for specific needs.

1 comment:

  1. Generally I'm nice to people until they give me a reason not to be - and then I treat them how they treat me
