Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Challenge Accepted....Again

In 2018 I was introduced to a blogging challenge called the A to Z challenge.  The idea is you blog everyday through the alphabet in April (with the exception of Sundays).  And because I was challenged by the journey, I signed up again last year. 

This year I told myself, nope, not signing up.  I'm just too busy to devote time to this.  I even told Chris, I'm not signing up.  And yet, here I am on the last day of March and guess who is officially signed up?  Yep, that would be yours truly.

Funny, when we think we don't have time for something that God feels is important, He makes the time for us.  Here we all are, stuck in our homes with nothing but time.  It took some wrestling with God on what I would write about for the next 26 days through the alphabet.  But in the end, God won.  He always does, doesn't he?

So tomorrow, I start the journey again.  Tomorrow I will begin making time to intentionally sit with God and blog.  For the next 26 letters, I will let go of Jennifer and let God flow through me and into my blog for the world to see. 

Every year, it is a challenge and I seem to lose momentum as I continue through the month.  Would you please pray that I stay focused and trust God through this process.  Pray that I don't give up, that I persevere and that not my words but God's be shared with the world.

So until tomorrow....


  1. I'm doing the challenge too. Every time I've tried these kinds of things in the past, I end up petering out about half way through the month But being home all the time right now, I thought, might enable me to be successful this year.

    Blessings to you,
    Patti @ Writing to Remember

    1. Praying you remain focused and persevere this year. Sending blessings to you and your family. Stay well and safe friend.
